Taiwan Designers' Week
A Platform for Designers to Share and Exchange Ideas
Taiwan Designers' Week (TWDW), established in 2002, has become one of the most prominent annual design events in Taiwan. With a strong professional focus, TWDW targets primarily designers and design enthusiasts, and it consists of two main components: "Exhibitions" and "Events". The exhibitions include the "TWDW Presents" and "3X3 Design Show", while the activities include "Let's talk design" and "Design Bazaar". Exhibitors at TWDW are typically individual professional designers and companies while emerging designers can showcase their creative ideas through the "Design Star Power" section. In addition, TWDW provides a window for the general public to understand designers, through participation in "Design Workshop" and "Open House". TWDW has established a platform for communication between designers and the public, as well as between the design industry and designers. Its objectives include promoting the development of Taiwan's local design culture, enhancing Taiwan's influence in the international design field, and providing a platform for design enthusiasts to share and exchange ideas.
台湾设计师周(Taiwan Designers' Week,TWDW)成立于2002年,目前已成为台湾最著名的年度设计活动之一,具有较强的专业性,主要面向人群是设计师与设计爱好者。TWDW分为“展览”和“活动”两个版块,展览包括大会主题展、设计产业形象展等;活动包括设计论坛、城市设计串联等。参展作品多来自专业的个人设计师与企业,同时,新兴设计师也可以通过参与设计周所设的“设计星势力”版块展现自己的创意。此外,台湾设计师周也为普通大众提供了了解设计师的窗口,大众可以通过参与设计周所举办的设计工作坊、工作室参观等活动形式对设计及设计师群体有更为深入的了解。台湾设计师周为设计师与大众、与产业建立了良好的沟通平台,推动了台湾本土设计文化的发展,增强了台湾在国际设计领域的影响力。