Design for All the People
Helsinki, the capital of Finland, is renowned worldwide for its livable
environment and high-quality living standards. As one of the most sustainable
cities in the world, Helsinki has achieved remarkable accomplishments
in environmental protection, social welfare, and economic progress.
Simultaneously, the city's outstanding achievements in the field of design have
also received widespread recognition from the international community.
Helsinki was honored as "World Design Capital" by WDO in 2012 and
joined UCCN as "City of Design" in 2014, it regards design as a core component
of its urban strategy. Design is integrated into every corner of the city, not
only enhancing the quality of urban services but also demonstrating how to
use design as a medium to shape the city's future together with citizens. In
addition, Helsinki actively establishes partnerships with other creative cities
and design teams to jointly promote innovation and development in the field
of design, further consolidating its status as a City of Design.
Helsinki, a livable, sustainable, and design-leading city, has become a
global focal point. These brilliant achievements have not only earned Helsinki
a high reputation but also laid a solid foundation for the city's future prosperity
and progress.
赫尔辛基在2012年被世界设计组织评为世界设计之都(WDC),后于2014年入选了“UCCN 设计之都”,赫尔辛基将设计视为城市战略的核心组成部分,通过设计介入城市的每个角落,不仅提升了城市服务的品质,还展示了如何以设计为媒介,与市民共同塑造城市未来。此外,赫尔辛基积极与其他创意城市和设计团队建立合作伙伴关系,共同推动设计领域的创新与发展,进一步巩固了其作为设计之都的地位。